May 15 2017

Monday 5/15/17 – Language Arts

Good Morning, Class!

Per. 1-2 (8:15-9:58)

Please Take Out:

  • Chromebook
  • earbuds/headphones

Warm Up:

Ink In Motion

  • Watch as colored ink swirls and clouds up in slow motion under water. If you stay until the very end, you’ll see their surprising setup.
  • Leave a comment here answering the questions:
    • What does this video make you think or feel?
    • What does it make you wonder?

8:30 – Switch back to component groups:

  • Images & Writing – in here
  • Music & Storytelling Videos –> Ms. Mahoney
  • Infographics & Explainer Videos –> Mrs. Figueroa

Images & Writing:

  • Reread organization websites carefully for any details you might have missed.
  • Put all images and writing in one slide deck in the order that you want them to appear on the webpage. (Take out anything you don’t want on the webpage, images that do not have the proper credit, etc.)
  • Each image and sentence on your team’s webpage needs to help convey why the need is so great, what specifically the organization does to help, or why your audience/viewer should donate to your cause. (Use the organization’s name many times!)
  • Image groups make sure there is a credit next to every picture in the slides that you want put onto the website. Also, add team webpage to your Marketing Image.
  • Writers make Feedback Form to gather audience reactions to your webpage


  1. Read 30+ pages in a book of your choice and log in agenda.
  2. Finish and turn in any assignments on Classroom and StudySync that you have not completed yet.

 Per. 3 (10:03-10:42)

Posted May 15, 2017 by missnichols in category Language Arts, Miss Nichols' posts

About the Author

I am a teacher of 6th grade honors language arts and math at Jane Addams Middle School in Lawndale, CA.

17 thoughts on “Monday 5/15/17 – Language Arts

  1. juliehorchata

    This made me think of this time when I was watching a video and the people in the video were using a special type of water so they could paint. I wonder if in this video if it was the water or the paint that reacted to each other. Also this made me think of space in the beginning like the planets and everything went black and blue.

  2. ethanzilla1954

    One thing I was thinking during the video was how did they know how to do all that did that just come to mind like they just thought let’s put balls that look like the planets and another thought I was thinking was the balls in the beginning the balls looked like planets.

  3. Nelson

    The ball made me think that it was like the planets and the city could have been if like the asteroid hit it.

  4. ethanhunt104

    It makes me think that the color had made the water different and more unique. Also it was weird. It looked cool and also I can’t believe there set up and the solar system turned into space

  5. giselle122

    This video makes me think of feel is that it is very nice and amazing what a camera can capture I think that it is very beautiful and the balls made me think of space and when it was space and I wonder how it was really dark when we were watching the video it was dark but at the end of the video it was outside and the sun was out so that was cool and how did that happen

  6. tylerdaturtle

    I feel like this video is very satisfying and at the end it was showed the creators actually live on a roof or they might be homeless.

  7. erandi27

    This video makes me think that this would be a fun project to do for fun in your free time because it is very cool and intresting. The way that the creators made this piece of art has made me think that the paint coming down in the water is like a tsunami or big clouds of colorful paint coming to a distruction of color.Some emotions I felt during this video are creativness from the artwork and colors of paint. Somehow this video brought happiness for me which is weird because this is just a video of paint being in water. What really caught my attention was the clouds of paint in slow motion going in the water. This video makes me wonder at the end, how did the creators did that pretty cool video while being outside.

  8. angelnotsoangel11

    It made me feel like anything is possible, relaxed, and amazed. It made me wonder how they did that.

  9. jaredchickfila123

    This video makes me feel very curious and calm because we get to see how there are multiple colors being mixed together and all seem to blend well.Also the music and the slow motion is very relaxing and it feels like something you’ve done was successful and I thought that it showed how many CGI and other components make the video more enjoyable.This makes me wonder,do any of these objects they use have a deeper meaning?

  10. drewpizza15

    1. This video makes me think of space because there are all the planets and it has a lot of different things happening in space. This makes me feel excited because there are a lot of cool affects and colors on different objects.
    2. This makes me wonder what would happen if we use different things in water instead of just ink.

  11. savagedelilah

    This short clip makes me feel curious because the people are just doing something with the art. It makes me wonder if it has to do with a cause and a problem.

  12. mosey153

    The video gave me a feeling of wonder and amazement. The video also made me wonder, Was the video just for entertainment? Or Was it for another purpose.

  13. mikayla21fly

    The video makes me think/feel happy and joyful seeing all the colors and the music in the background and how the colors come together. My thoughts were it’s amazing.

    It makes me wonder if I would ever try it would it work like they did it.

  14. supernova9254

    The video made me felt happy and curious and it kinda made me satisfied
    The video makes me wonder what they are doing with the colors and why are they doing that. Also why did they put a little town in the tank with the water.

  15. Jesse

    I am thinking that this is very cool and i was feeling very satisfied. This makes me wonder if apple uses this technique to make their wallpapers because their wallpapers looks similar to this.


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